good vibes only

February 26, 2015

In the past few years, I have attended some very large conferences and workshops that have taught me more than I can imagine, given me life friends and lessons and given me some of my favourite memories. This year, I chose to not attend any larger conferences, and instead do something completely different.  After researching […]


Tamara, Travel

February 24, 2015

After my first week spent with Meg, my girl Jackie came to meet me in Kauai for some more fun.  Each time we get together, we dream bigger, laugh harder, and love more.  It always amazes me how we can live thousands of miles apart, be be closer than ever when brought together. In 3 […]


Life, Tamara

February 19, 2015

Kauai has always been a dream destination for me.  My super adorable grandmother always tells me to this day about her trips their with my grandfather, and how it was her favourite place on earth. I saw a super awesome deal online, and then I touched base with my friend Meg who I met a […]


Tamara, Travel